Sticker Maker App - Create Stickers For WhatsApp (WAStickerApps) is very useful App to create personal sticker pack for WhatsApp.
Now it is boring way to forward others WhatsApp Stickers to your friends.
It would be amazing experience when you get back your own created WASticker from your friends after some days. It is possible to your created sticker will be viral and thousands of people would be use your sticker.
If you want to impress your friends, family members or your girlfriend/boyfriend then send them your own created WhatsApp sticker. Wish Good Morning by sending them your selfie photo as sticker with transparent background and write text "Good Morning Dear". It is very amazing way to sending happiness to your fan in Morning. If you are spiritual then you can create daily new god whatsapp sticker.
If you have any creative idea for making stickers then this sticker maker app is very useful for you.
If you want to create your own/personal WhatsApp Stickers and want to send your personal amazing stickers to friends & family members but you don't know how to create your own/personal WhatsApp Sticker? Now your wishes comes to end. Because we have created this sticker maker app for you.
You can create custom WhatsApp sticker from your phone gallery images. You can create WASticker for your brand logo. It is good way to promote your brand. You can make stickers from your personal photos.
Download any image from web and open that image in this sticker maker app. Now you can remove background & write any text on image. This WAStickerApps is very easy to use.
For making personal whatsapp sticker pack we have added best background remover / eraser tool.
1 - Manual Eraser: This tool is useful for remove background by manually. You can remove or erase any part of image by single finger. This tool has two control 1: width 2: offset
2 - Auto Eraser: This tool is very useful for remove/erase image background by single touch. For example if image background is white then you can remove all white part form background by only single touch. Most of sticker maker user liked this tool. Because it is easy and time saving tool. This tool has one control named "Threshold"
This two tool are useful for Sticker Maker App.
You can create WASticker pack like good morning, good night, festival, Christmas, Diwali, God, funny, love WASticker, Hindu God, Allah whatsapp stickers for Muslims, cartoon, Birthday cake whatsapp sticker pack, wishes WASticker.
How Can I use Sticker Maker App - Create Stickers For WhatsApp(WAStickerApps) :
- Open "Sticker Maker App".
- Create new pack.
- Select Icon for pack from phone gallery.
- Add pack name.
- Add any image in this pack that you want to make WhatsApp sticker. Any format of image like .jpeg .jpg .png will work.
- You can crop image.
- Remove / erase background by using background eraser tool : "Manual Eraser" & "Auto Eraser"
- Add stylish font text on image with favorite text color.
- It is WhatsApp rules that you can add maximum 30 stickers in single WASticker pack & minimum 3 sticker.
- Now Press "Add To WhatsApp" button. Now all this sticker pack is in whatsapp. Now open whatsapp and send this personal stickers to your whatsapp friends or in whatsapp group.
- There is delete facility so you can delete any sticker or pack any time.
- If you want to add more sticker in created pack then you can do it.
贴纸制造商应用程序 - 为WhatsApp创建贴纸(WAStickerApps)是非常有用的应用程序为WhatsApp创建个人贴纸包。
现在将其他WhatsApp Stickers转发给你的朋友是无聊的方式。
1 - 手动橡皮擦:此工具可用于手动删除背景。您可以用单个手指删除或删除图像的任何部分。该工具有两个控件1:宽度2:偏移
2 - 自动橡皮擦:此工具对于单次触摸删除/删除图像背景非常有用。例如,如果图像背景为白色,则只需单击即可删除所有白色部分表格背景。大多数贴纸制造商用户都喜欢这个工具。因为它是简单省时的工具。此工具有一个名为“阈值”的控件
这两个工具对Sticker Maker App非常有用。
如何使用贴纸制造商应用程序 - 为WhatsApp创建贴纸(WAStickerApps):
- 打开“Sticker Maker App”。
- 创建新包。
- 从手机图库中选择包装图标。
- 添加包名称。
- 在此包中添加您想要制作WhatsApp标签的任何图像。任何格式的图像,如.jpeg .jpg .png都可以。
- 你可以裁剪图像。
- 使用背景橡皮擦工具删除/擦除背景:“手动橡皮擦”和“自动橡皮擦”
- 使用喜欢的文字颜色在图像上添加时尚的字体文字。
- WhatsApp规定,您可以在单个WASticker包中添加最多30个贴纸,最少3个贴纸。
- 现在按“添加到WhatsApp”按钮。现在所有这些贴纸包都在whatsapp中。现在打开whatsapp并将此个人贴纸发送给您的whatsapp朋友或whatsapp组。
- 有删除功能,因此您可以随时删除任何贴纸或包装。
- 如果您想在创建的包中添加更多贴纸,那么您可以这样做。